Author & Reader Inquiries
Please note: The following form goes to a monitored email address, but not straight to me for screening. We do our best to return emails within 5-10 business days, but any emails deemed abusive or inappropriate are archived for legal purposes, but not responded to. It is best not to send these. We know that’s not what you’re here to do, though, so let’s get onto our real business!
Authors & PAs:
Wanna collab on something social or do a newsletter swap? Fill out the form below!
Bookish Influencers:
Would you like to request a book or join my ARC or Street Teams? Please fill out the form below and make sure to give us the following information:
Your public social media links (we care less about numbers than “best fit” collaborations)
Which books you are interested in receiving
If we have books available for the month, we will ask for your name, address and phone number. We must have your phone number to ship books. We do not use any of your information for anything other than to ship books.